The task of meals! Sometimes you just don’t know what to make for dinner.

This week, almost all my evenings were busy. A hockey clinic, two medical appointments and a class. Also, especially this week, my work day started at 5am. Big days like many of you experience.


I love to cook for my family and eat well, but this week I had to find an efficient solution for our meals without breaking my back. Meal service solutions come in all shapes and sizes. That’s great, we love having choices! The perfect matches are to cook fresh food, make recipes that are out of the ordinary, and that are simple and healthy. I was asked to try the IGA TADA! application. It’s my favorite grocery store for many years because of the quality of its products, so I gave it a try.


TADA! It’s quite simple, you’ll see

The TADA! application by IGA is downloaded like any other application in your phone’s application store or it can be easily accessed through your browser. I used my cell phone since it’s almost always within reach anyway!


What I needed was to come up with three or four new recipes with preparation and cooking time in mind. TADA! has it all.


By selecting the “list” option from the menu at the bottom, TADA! offers recipe choices based on the week’s discounts. Each of these recipes will reveal its number of servings, cooking time and preparation time. Once I had chosen my recipes, I just had to click on the pictures to see the main ingredients and the preparation steps. I selected all the ingredients I was missing, added them to my list and up in my shopping cart.


This is perfect for a busy mom like me.


You also have the chance to do your grocery shopping on the app with the “Grocery” option and even check the flyer. For me, in addition to the recipes I wanted to make, I was missing a few items to complete our lunches and dinners for the week. I selected, added, revised my list and checked out.


TADA! My grocery shopping for the week is done.


I chose to pick up in store, a first for me. As long as I’m trying to save time, why not! You will have to choose the day that suits you and the time. A little planning and a little extra on your bill is worth it.


I arrived at my grocery store the day of the pickup and my order was ready.


Imagine, sitting in the comfort of my living room listening to hockey, in ten minutes my week’s worth of meals was planned and in five my grocery bags were picked up. Winning recipes that fit our family’s tastes, a simple game plan, a perfect duo!


To be redone.


Curious to know what I cooked? Stefano Faita’s pork souvlaki prepared while watching the podcast of the week with Martin Juneau.


For more recipe ideas click here or here 😉